Successful The codes from 200 are successful codes and indicate that everything is going well. 200 – OK – This is the code that will make you happy as an SEO specialist. and the page is processing well. 3xx / from 300: Redirection The codes from 300 are related to a redirect, for example a redirect, where a page has been moved. 301 – Permanent Redirect – This code indicates that a page has been permanently moved to another URL. This is one of the most commonly used HTTP status codes in the SEO world. This signal also indicates that the 'link value' of the page must be passed on to the new page.
It is a final designation, so don't use it if you have temporarily moved a page or want to redirect. 302 – Temporary Redirect – This code indicates that a page has been things Singapore phone number list to temporarily moved to a different URL. The link value is not passed on to the new page. So only use this if you want to temporarily redirect the visitor and search engine to another page. 4xx / from 400: Request error The codes from 400 arise when something goes wrong with the request from the browser. For example, when a page does not exist (anymore), a 404: page not found error occurs. The request was processed successfully, but the server is denying access.
This code is also the code that the user can see through the so-called 404 page of the website. The page was not found. 410 – Gone – The page is no longer available and will not return. You use this code when the page has been permanently removed from the website and must be removed from the search results. 5xx / from 500: Server error The codes from 500 arise when something goes wrong with the response from the server. For example, if the server does not respond to the request, it could be a 500: internal server error. 500 – Internal Server Error – This is a generic error message. Something unexpected went wrong in the server.