Summary: Principles are the basis of design, not static, and the relationship between design principles and product goals should be balanced reasonably. 3. Top Button executive email list Analysis Due to the limited space in the top navigation bar, the buttons are relatively small and inconvenient to click, so this type of top button is suitable for editing pages where executive email list content is modified, which can avoid accidental touches and allow users to pay attention to the content itself. As for the key button at the top, it can also shorten the movement path of the user's eyes, making it easier for
The user to notice the changing state of its state. Bottom line: The top button is more about the editable content area, not the button. Whereas the bottom button executive email list is more concerned with the button itself. not content. 4. Horizontal button analysis In addition to the top and bottom buttons mentioned above, there are horizontal buttons, such as the "Add to Cart executive email list " and "Buy Now" buttons on the Taobao detail page, Jingdong detail page, and Netease Yanxuan detail page.
The "Buy Now" buttons are all placed in the lower right corner. Combined with the visual end point of Gutenberg's principle, the lower right corner is the executive email list visual terminal area, that is, the final position of the visual, so they will all be "Buy Now" buttons that are closely related to the conversion rate. It is placed in the lower right corner of the interface, making executive email list it easier for users to pay attention. Another example is the more common "Cancel" and "Confirm" pop-up window styles,