If your article looks like this, you’ll drive people away. Break it up.
Good content writing creates effortless reading. Use the ASMR formula to design your content for easier reading:
Annotate – Include sidenotes, blockquotes, call-out boxes, and other elements.
Short sentences and paragraphs – Use the Hemingway editor to find lengthy, complex sentences and shorten them.
Multimedia – Use videos, images, GIFs, and tweet embeds to illustrate your points.
Read your content out loud – Discover areas where your writing doesn’t flow smoothly.
10. Write how you talk
Web content writing is friendly and personal. It’s like talking to a friend. There’s no need to pepper big words or write as if you were publishing in Nature.
Your goal is to communicate, not impress people with your extensive vocabulary. So keep it casual and write like how you talk.
11. Get feedback on your writing
As the creator, you’re too close to your work. You won’t be able to spot your mistakes. That’s why a second person’s opinion can be invaluable.
In fact, at Ahrefs, every blog post and script we write is subjected to that scrutiny. We take turns to read each other’s drafts and offer feedback. We point out things like logical loopholes, choppy flow, unclear points, poorly phrased sentences, and so on.
We even let our readers know that each article is not the work of one person. Rather, it is the effort of many people working together to make it great.
Bio of Michal, featuring Joshua as contributor in top right-hand corner
Even if you’re working alone, you can get input from another person. It could be your spouse, your family, or even your co-workers. If need be, join writing communities.
Dividing the workload like this whatsapp number list allows both the vendor and the affiliate to focus on their strengths. The improvements are similar on desktop and mobile. Most of the focus in 2021 was on mobile results.
Their input will make your work much better.
12. Answer questions people are asking
If people are searching for answers to their questions, that’s how you know those questions are good topics to write about.
The easiest way to find these questions is to use a free keyword research tool. Here’s how to do it:
Go to Ahrefs’ free keyword generator tool
Enter a broad topic related to your niche or website (e.g., coffee, tea)
Toggle the Questions tab