ank you pages for purchases get a lot of attention. There are plenty of articles on how to manage this last step of the buying experience. After all, a good thank you to a customer can boost brand image, sell incentive products, and further retarget buyers. The newsletter thank you pages, however, receive much less attention. There aren't many how-to articles dedicated to them. And web designers don't pay much attention to them. But what about the person who signs up for your email list? This thank you page is an opportunity to leave a new subscriber feeling positive – or a missed opportunity.
Don't let your signup thank you page be an afterthought. Here we'll look at seven great examples of businesses thanking new subscribers. Consumer Reports Weekly Newsletter Thank You PageConsumer Reports newsletter thank you page. What Consumer company employee list Reports does well: 1. Greet the subscriber by name. The reader is greeted with a “You are ready! informal. and a thank you that calls them by name. This reinforces the person's budding relationship with the brand. 2. Use eye-catching and relevant images to reinforce the reader's newsletter choice. In addition to branding by name.
Consumer Reports confirms reader choices by using bold images with captions. This lets the reader know, at a glance, that they have subscribed to content that will interest them. Here's an idea: examine your image elements. Can you choose any that match your topics to enhance your thank you message? 3. Link to current content directly related. The "Preview" links allow the reader to immediately access what he is looking for. In this case, they can view last week's newsletter for the topics they selected. Don't worry about an algorithm showing a three-year-old "related" article to your new